My Common Law Library

10 months ago

Are you OBSESSED with your freedom? If not, then following me is a waste of your time, but if you ARE, I'm the Queen of it all.

Have you seen our COMMON LAW campus inside the Inalienable University?

It will help you unwind your brain so much so that you remove the indoctrination that we have to use government agencies to exist.

It will bring your brain back to a time before statutory "laws" were even invented.

When you fully understand how we were corrupted by greed of course, the insurance agencies, etc, how we got programmed to think we need licenses for everything, your head will explode.

There is ALWAYS something to be studying there.

And for me, there's literally nothing else to do! LOL

I'm obsessed.


Uncensored truth!

We Have No Obligation To Conduct Business With Our So-Called Ex-Post Facto Government.

So Many Government Attachments You Think Are Required By Law Simply Are Not.

Learn How To Remove Yourself From Them!

Join my HONORABLE membership, where I will teach you how to live as a private civilian foreign national, backed up by USC, Founding documents, and Supreme Court Rulings.

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