Largest Solar Storm of Solar Cycle 25 SO FAR

8 months ago

Trolls with be trolls. Have no fear! I've been enduring the uneducated masses about space and solar weather for years so please consider my point of view about the recent aurora storm and the outdated technology being blamed. We knew the aurora was coming because we watched the solar flares go right toward us. More flares are impacting now as the solar wind speed is over 800km/s right this moment. I want to give you some advice about solar and frequency science. The advice is don't listen to people who are clearly emotional, rude, and missing vital philosophy about what science is.

Every single one of you should be conducting a study and collecting evidence. Then we compare our studies to attempt a deeper understanding before we continue.

Do not allow someone you don't know or pay to do a study for you 100%

Always conduct your own tests and continue communal discussion with mutual respect. Experience matters but novel data is the game.

Ladies, Gentlemen, Guardians, I think we should keep our standards high and be sure to cite your primary sources of new information offered. We should conduct ourselves with respect including how we speak to others interested in the conversation. This is a generational study.

If you're seeing rude people making scary claims you can call that a negative greeting, and not add a single ounce of energy to it's desperate attempt at being the truth.

You know what the truth feels like, so keep shopping around and enjoy the variety of life's positive greetings. There's much great revelation and relief in those who learn about solar flares and magnetic fields.

The solar flares and aurora are a spiritual experience too, nature is spirit. If that's omitted from the report entirely, it's not finished.

Did your local news or favorite space weather person discuss the spiritual significance of Aurora? Did you engage the ancestral plane?

Will you make a testimonial about your spiritual life?
I did to join the momentum of solar cycle 25 instead of fight it.

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