Armageddon? Can mere mortals battle God?

9 months ago

Up until my true consciousness arose inside me, I have always heard the battle of Armageddon where mankind will gather to war against God almighty. When I started to take notice of the doctrines that were preached to me and other, as I delved deep into the mysteries of Babylon, I started to realized the truth!

What a deception!

Can mankind truly battle God as it is so called revealed in the book of Revelation ?

I said so called because that is what they been preaching and teaching to us mere mortals.

What if they (the writers of revelation) were plainly saying something which was evident to them at that time and our theological scholars and soothsayers misunderstood the text and subsequently taught generations myth and lies?


It could be the Nicene creed of 325Ad which put the ball of mysticism in motion for the rest of us mere mortals? Actually, both options are the same. Weren't the Nicene Creed made up of men?

The truth is obvious to me, I would like to re-reveal the truth to those who truly want to know:

Can mankind battle God?

The truth is so ever present...

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