A RIBBON OF HISTORY IS LAID OUT BEFORE US, feat Timothy Lawton Baritone, Esther Bishop accompanimen

9 months ago

He’ll take you through

Revelation 12

Revelation 12:12

We start with an reenactment of the birth of the Christ. There were signs and wonders in the sky before and after the birth of Christ. Many knew of the prophecy of the coming of the Worldwide Messiah.


The air was abuzz with every soothsayer, card reader and astrologer foretelling
of the arrival time of a Messiah.

Speaking of the Magi
Matthew 2:9

In fact, King Herod’s soothsayers gave him a date. King Herod then sent his soldiers throughout his kingdom to murder every child under the age of two years of age.

This slaughter of all the male babies is nothing less than an (SRA) Satanic Ritual Abuse.
The most heinous of crimes against children of the Most High God.

Vs2 When she cried out, being in labor and in pain to give birth.”

As in any hueman birth, mothers cry out as flesh is being torn.

A sound like no other, as God’s Son enters through a portal into our timeline.

Every one of God’s Angels rejoiced throughout the universes.

Every one of Satans’ foul Reptile horde; from under the mantle of the Earth, growled a deep groan.

We are given a picture of how God provided for the Mary, Joseph and Jesus.
Jesus the Christ child is the embodiment of All of Who Is and Always will be God.

All that is, and he always will be the last Adam. The Christ and all at once fully Man.

He, is the Christ will forever bear the marks in his hands, feet, and side.

He is a great mystery to Angels, Demons and Man.
He is the God-Man, forever will his Name be praised.

God the Father hid, his Earthly trinity of his family members away for three and one half years (42 months) until after the slaughter of the innocents’ by Herod’s soldiers.
We too, will be hid away for 42 months.

Just like Ezekiel’s wheels within wheels.
God has plans within plans.

Plans, which are past finding out by devils, men or angels.

Ezekiel 1:16

Now, God is taking John of the Isle of Patmos, even further back on the Ribbon of History; to show him a blemish besmirching Heaven.

It is hard to conceive of; God is the of God of mathematics, numbers, patterns and riddles.
God tells Satan the riddle.
Then tells Lucifer to go to suss it out.

When Lucifer comes back with an answer.
God, the Father mocks the dragon afresh, with sharp barbs.

It’s not mean spirited to mock Satan. He deserves this and more, for all of misery he has caused.
“And you’re the worm.” Speaking directly to Satan. “You wanted to sit on the Throne.
How fuelish R chew?”

The dragon and his angels fought, but they were not strong enough and did not prevail, and there was no longer a place found for them in heaven.

Let’s add up these two columns Lucifer, and one third of the angels.
Lucifer ………………………………God
A Really Good Creator
Rocker Kinda Like
Volodymyr Zelenskyy
+ +
1/3 Angels ……………….. 2/3 Angels
Adds up bad. Adds up good
Okay, like I said. God is a numbers guy

Zelenskyy In Drag

Then God carried out the judgement.

Satan and one-third of the angels were drop-kicked out, by Michael ArchAngel, of their happy Paradise down to Earth.
-Woe—woe, now you know why every rocker sang those words.

Vs 10 Then I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying,
O Shite

Satan is called the Accuser of the Brothers and of the Sisters.

John Wesley, the Methodist Bible expositor of the Eighteenth Century England.
Wesley once postulated it was even difficult for a consecrated individual to stay focused in prayer for more than 15 minutes.
This observation was made in 1749.

Our common enemy, then as now, is the accuser of the sincere Christian.

John Wesley said of these false allegations of misdeeds and temptations to wrongdoing.

“You may not be able to stop the black birds of accusations and temptations, from flying about your head.

But you don’t need to let them build a nest on your magnificent crown.

Satan continually brings accusations of sinful behavior before our mind’s eye.… What really did you say?
D O U B T ⁉️

Then Satan, the accuser of the believer, looks at God the Son as if to say.
“Okay, Sonny boy.” Satan, speaking to Jesus, or at least you imagine Satan accusing you to Jesus.
Satan says. Do you know what your homie is mixed up in now⁉️”

Doing your absolute best to live a life above reproach makes a difference.

Even if you were able to stop every sin of commission.
And to carry out every opportunity to love God and your fellow sentient hueman beings

You will fail miserably.
Sorry, I want better too!

Then there are mistakes in mental calculations, causing, on occasion, a moral failure.
Sorry,—Missed The Target 🎯 Again ❗️
Did uhew?

There are situations, in which, your calculations were perfect, but for some reason your well trained body failed to recognize its muscle memory, resulting, on occasion, in death.
Sorry,—Missed The STOP sign 🎯Again

We, everyone, all 7.9 billion of us, on this terrestrial terrain, live in a mutually agreed upon definition of what hueman life means.

Many concepts of individual influence on our collective meaning of life, architecture, ethnicity, geography, language, politics, religion and traditions.

Believe, you me, I understand living a pragmatic life; cutting a few corners to shave a few seconds off of a production line cost.

Maybe 🤔 Hit The Target 🎯 This Time

Romans 3:23-26

Come on folks, you cannot live the Christian Life in your own strength.

Here is the real cost and the real power, which belongs to Christians.

They? Who? The believers conquered Satan by the 1) blood of Jesus AND 2) the testimony of their conscience.

1 John 3:20-24

OMG, I just gave you the secret to a Happy Christian Life. By Hannah Whitehall Smith

A clear conscience and the Power in the Precious Blood of Jesus.

There is Power, Wonder Working Power, In The Precious Blood of the Lamb
Revelation 12:12
Knowing his time is short

Satan is cast out of God’s Paradise.

Heaven rejoices; Satan’s chapped hiny still smarts from being booted out of God’s Paradise.

Satan lands on Earth, his feet firmly planted on terra-firm-a.

His next step is to drag a moon from one solar system to ours. The moon is really not a moon but a Death Star.

Satan, has his minions stowed underground of the Earth and his rulers, powers, world forces of this [present] darkness, against this spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) places, are on the backside of the DeathStar, our Moon.

Let me say this about our Moon. There are military bases-lights-settlements on the backside of the Moon. The side which never faces Earth.
Only The Best Gangsters
Non ducor, duco
Everyone Who Bears The Cross Of Jesus Has Had A Few Lashes

Every Good Warrior Has A Few Chinks In His Armor

Every Sword Which Has Been Brandished Has A Dent In Its Hilt

Every Shield Worth Its Weight Is Broken Through In Places

With A Warrior He Wears A Breastplate Which Has Dent Near His Heart

A Helmet To Guard His Mind From The Attacks Of The Enemy

Chainmail Armor Around The Neck So As Not To Lose His Head

X|TIMES Decisions Were Made Which Cut Between The Sinew And The Bone.
As To Make Him Shiver; To This Day.

I Came And Went From Neath The Cross
I Have Been This Warrior Of Several
I Saw The Great War With Melchizedek
In The Charge Of Light Brigade Up

There I Saw The Pre-Incarnate Christ
In All His Glory, Majesty And Light
It Was Immediately Apparent
Who Is This King Of Righteousness
Abraham Saw And Spoke With Yashua

Hebrew 7:1-3

We Are Fighting The Same War That Abraham And Melchizedek Fought; How Many Millennia Ago?

The Same War Russia Fought And Won 1200 Years Ago In Tsarist Russia.

Then To Hold The Most Lying, Cheating, Charlatan, Corrupt, Manipulative, Xenophobic, Half-Hueman Breed Of People And Half Draconian Reptilian Breeds, Accountable.

Including Their Families And Offspring Culpable To Hold Them All Systemically Guilty For The Murder Of Half The Human Race.

We Can No Longer Afford Them Life On Earth.

The Draconian Reptilian Race Will Take Them-In As A Protected Race.

How Many More Times Must We Fight This Bloody Battle?

Shall We Let Them Go?

Or, Shall We Systematically Eliminate, Unaffected Men, Women And Children, Based On Their Bloodline?

Forget Your Huemanity!
If You Let Them Live.

Forgive Your Huemanity?
If You Let Them Die.

Let Your Yes Be Yes
Let Your No Be No
God Filled
God Supplied
Non Monetized

Beloved, if our heart does not convict us [of guilt], we have confidence [complete assurance and boldness] before God; 22 and we receive from Him whatever we ask because we [carefully and consistently] keep His commandments and do the things that are pleasing in His sight [habitually seeking to follow His plan for us].

This is where you say Hallelujah
This is where whenever Hallelujah

Remember to get a hard copy of a Bible, this week❗️


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