SLOBODNI podcast #79 Xavier Azalbert- Boycotira li EPPO istragu protiv Ursule VDL?

9 months ago

🙏Počastite nas kavicom☕ istraga protiv predsjednice europske komisije i kandidatkinje za reizbor oko nabavke cjepiva od Pfizera i SMS poruka koje je izmjenjivala sa predsjednikom uprave su ušli u fazu koja može odreditzi političku budućnost Ursule VDL. Ovdje možete pronaći detalje nakon što pogledate cijelu emisiju
🙏Treat us with a coffee☕ The investigation against the president of the European Commission and candidate for re-election regarding the procurement of vaccines from Pfizer and the text messages she exchanged with the president of the board have entered a phase that can determine the political future of Ursula VDL . You can find details here after watching the whole show

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