Small Dog Loves Riding Swing At Playground

6 years ago

Swing sets are the most common, and arguably, the best piece of playground equipment that everyone enjoys trying at one point or another. Who hasn’t had a relaxing time on a swing or attempted to see how high they could get? I recall also trying to see how you could jump off of a swing. Did you do that?

Dogs love going to the park and taking in all of the new smells and adventures to be had…

This is tangentially related to the dog in a swing on this video. Way back in 2002, the dark ages for teenagers at this point, a little boy submitted an official patent to the United States Patent Office. The office actually issued the patent, number 6,368,227 on April 9th of that year. What was the patent for? “A method of swinging on a swing”. Somehow the boy’s patent actually went through the entire patent process. However, it sounds like it slipped through the cracks at an overworked, overwhelmed agency.

I have NEVER seen a dog love playground equipment as much as this little pup!

Part of the reason the boy submitted the swing patent is that his dad was a patent attorney who wanted to show his son how the patent system worked. The boy gave it a shot and it was actually rejected the first time through because there were already patents on swings. The dad appealed and it was then approved. However, later on, we assume after some publicity, the patent was rescinded on actual re-examination. So, that’s fun little story for you to contemplate while you watch this zen dog absolutely enjoy his time in a bucket swing. He is a good, good dog.

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