Spider Prototype Level - Bump In The Night Dev Log 08

10 months ago

I am having trouble getting enemies to work properly and my chests broke and stuff keeps happening. So I decided to take a break and get something else done.

In the forest level I noticed it wasn't difficult and kinda boring. To be fair it is the first level after the tutorial so it is suppose to just introduce stuff and not be challenging. But like in Spyro the Dragon it is more story based than platforming based. So I thought why don't I have levels that are more platforming based to even it out. I came up with the idea of jumping into dreams of bugs, plants, and really anything living. Maybe I will do inanimate objects for sh*ts and giggles too. With these levels I will just focus on platforming and a small theme. They are not needed to progress through the game so if you aren't 100%ing the game then you can just skip them if you wish.

In this level, you jumped into the dream of a spider and the theme is you are in a cave of construction worker spiders. Because spiders construct webs. Haha. Get it? This level is meant to be more in the beginning of the level so it isn't super hard but still more challenging than the forest level. It introduces some platforming mechanics and tests you if you want to get a collectible that will give you access to even harder levels with even less theme to them. No collectibles or anything in them. Just levels that if you want to torture yourself then have at it. lol

I am not sure if I will fully commit to these levels. I am fully committing to making this game. Aka no job and living off savings. So if I need to release the game to make ends meat then I might have this become DLC or just not do it all together. But if I am far from finished and I have to get back into the workforce then why not make all these ideas I am deleting.

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