Clumsy UPS Worker Trips And Stumbles Down The Stairs

6 years ago

Check out this hilarious video of a clumsy UPS guy tripping backwards on the stairs making for a hilarious epic fail! A UPS employee is making a delivery to a home, but gets too carried away while taking a picture of the package on his phone that he fails to calculate his way out and trips on the porch stairs. What a clumsy moment this is!

The hardworking people at UPS really have their work cut out for them. While en route, they might encounter all sorts of situations with various degrees of severity, from the usual barking and chasing dogs to some really awkward human interactions. They keep their cool and remain their professional selves, but they still have their ups and downs. This video mostly concentrates on the downs! Hilarious!

When this <a href="" target="_blank">UPS carrier</a> was making a delivery to a home, he didn’t have a clue that it will be one of the most embarrassing moments in his life. What started as a successful delivery story, ended up in an epic fail. Not only his <a href="" target="_blank">inglorious fall</a> was captured on the security camera, but his angry cursing made for a memorable recording as well!

Reportedly, this friendly neighborhood UPS delivery guy always takes pictures of his deliveries. However, this time he got too carried away with taking a good picture that he forgot about the several stairs at the front porch that sent him flying downstairs in a split second. His clumsiness is so adorable! You know your UPS man is the best on the planet, when he takes a fall only to deliver a safe and sound package! Priceless!

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