5 months ago

Sales Behavior System - Achieve your goals in half the time.
With Speaker Trainer George Veronis!
Date: was
Saturday, May 11, 2024

Time: Was
08:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Hey Barnaje community! 👋
Get ready for another empowering training session that was on, Saturday, May 11th, featuring our esteemed speaker, George Veronis!

We're excited to announce our training session with George Veronis, a seasoned professional with 15 years of experience in Corporate America and 25 years as a National sales trainer. George has worked with Fortune 100 companies in sales, marketing, and management, and he's here to share his expertise with us.

Join us for George's session titled "Sales Behavior System - Achieve Your Goals In Half The Time"

This training is designed to provide you with a unique approach to working smarter and more efficiently while achieving your goals in half the time. You'll also learn how to ask 8 questions to your new prospect to determine if they are serious about achieving their project and willing to put in the work.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn from George and take your sales strategies to the next level!

I will See you in side the training because I was there, ready to achieve my goals faster and build a brighter future together with you hopefully! 🚀💰

THIS TEXT COVERS: WHAT IS A Decentralized Autonomous Organization ( DAO ) ?
A decentralized autonomous organization is exactly what the name says; a group of people who come together without a central leader or company dictating any of the decisions. They are built on a blockchain using smart contracts (digital one-of-one agreements). Members of DAOs often buy their way in, most of the time purchasing a governance token specifically for the DAO that gives them the ability to vote on decisions that are made around how the pool of money is spent and managed. These groups can be made up of people from around the world, who often communicate on Telegram or Discord channels.
Key to the DAO’s operation are its governance mechanism, transparency and immutability, and the voluntary contributions of community members to facilitate coordination and execute tasks.

For governance, members participate in decision-making and allocate resources. Members accumulate tokens that represent voting power in the organization, and decisions are made via token-based voting.

Since all transactions are recorded on a public blockchain, anyone can view the organization’s operations and transactions. This transparency serves to ensure that the organization operates fairly and that all members are held accountable for their actions.

Similar to open-source initiatives, DAOs encourage free thinking and individual initiative to make improvements to the organization and to sustain voluntary participation in an autonomous way. Blockchain technology, which is secured by cryptographic algorithms and smart contracts, helps to prevent fraudulent activity and ensure that all transactions are recorded on the blockchain. Multi-sig wallets, another safeguard, require multiple signatories to approve a transaction before it can be executed.

Code audits aim to identify potential security issues in the smart contracts or other technical aspects of the platform. DAOs also have emergency protocols—measures to freeze or shut down the DAO—in the event of a security breach or other critical issue.

Ultimately the mechanism of decentralized governance, where multiple members participate in the DAO decision-making and oversight process and are collectively motivated for its success, limits fraud and collusion among members.

Stairway Donation Plan.
Visualize this as a perpetual stairway on which the entire distribution plan is built. You are at the top of your own community staircase, and your community grows below you by doubling in size with each successive floor as you go down the staircase. You can have two members on your first floor, four members on the second, eight on the third, sixteen on the fourth, and so on with up to 128 members down on the seventh floor. That’s 254 possible members who can each send you three donations up to a grand total of 762 donations.
Now, let's focus our attention on the upper end of the stairway. There are three steps per floor leading up the twenty-one steps to the seven floors above you. As you gradually step up and make the donations, you fulfill one of the qualifications to receive donations from that corresponding step below. Donating up the stairs first is one of the big reason this Donation Plan is so powerful.
Eventually you will want to make donations, one time, to all 21 steps all the way to the top of the staircase opening the door to receiving up to 762 donations from the 21 steps down the staircase below you. This is the most important concept of the Stairway Donation Plan, and it bears repeating to help you wrap your brain around it. You can receive up to 36.2857 donations for every step-up donation you make for all 21 steps...that’s a total of 762 donations and that is very powerful leverage. Even more powerful, you can repeat this cycle over and over again, and we will explain that later. You are just seeing the tip of the iceberg of this exciting journey.
The member who invited you and is now your sponsor will normally be the member occupying floor 1 above you and represents your first three donation steps. However, depending on spillover from your sponsor and/or members above your sponsor, may already have two members on their first floor. you might be placed on the second, third, fourth or even a lower floor below your sponsor. Remember, you can have only two members on your first floor, four on your second floor and so on…
Barnaje highly incentivizes all members to sponsor four members, but four is also the maximum one can sponsor. Since you can place only two member on your first floor, barnaje is purposely creating tremendous urgency and incentive to sponsor four as quickly as possible because of both timing and placement.
Regardless of which floor becomes your home base, you remain closely connected to your sponsor and the rest of the barnaje community to support you. Timing is everything…it is far more important when you are placed than where. The sooner you join, the sooner our community can help build a community below you from which you can receive donations.

Why Only 4?
Welcome to barnaje an extraordinary journey that turns the spirit of old-fashion barn-raising & community donation support on its head! We're inviting you to join us on this unique paradigm shift opportunity, where the power of connection lies not in raw numbers but in relationship quality and trust. Picture this: you've got the ability to invite only four people to this innovative funding program, not a crowd of randos, just four close friends or loved ones!
These can't be just any random four people - they should be the four most important people in your life, the ones you trust most in the world. Our barnaje community isn't about mass marketing or social media campaigns. In fact, we prohibit that, as we're all about direct one-on-one connections to build a shared platform of trust and mutual support.
You may be wondering, why only four? We believe in the power of intimate relationships and meaningful success. We prefer this over the impersonal nature of network mass marketing. Your only effort should you decide to join us, is to invite the four individuals in your life you believe will be as passionate about barnaje project fundraising as you are.
We challenge you to change the way you think about network marketing and referral programs. This is not your ordinary blase get rich quick deal. We're about creating a tight-knit community, where each member is selected with utmost care and consideration. Barnaje is about thriving together not by casting a wide net and hoping for something from nothing!
Start with a small commitment of a minimum of $50 USDT, and watch as this unprecedented private community model sets you on a path of funding success like nothing you've ever encountered. Remember, this isn't for everybody, but if you understand its value, it will offer a level of fulfillment unparalleled by traditional methods.
So, are you ready to step outside the norm and redefine community success with us? The adventure of a lifetime awaits you and your chosen four!These can't be just any random four people - they should be the four most important people in your life, the ones you trust most in the world. Our barnaje community isn't about mass marketing or social media campaigns. In fact, we prohibit that, as we're all about direct one-on-one connections to build a shared platform of trust and mutual support.

21st Century High Tech Barn Raising with Barnaje:
What is barn raising? We are engaged in the communal activity known as "barn raising." For your convenience barn raising is defined as:
Barn raising refers to a collective effort by a community to construct a barn or other structure, typically through a cooperative and voluntary system of labor and resources sharing, embodying the values of mutual aid, solidarity, and teamwork.
Barn raising is an ancient custom practiced for thousands of years by communities and villages worldwide where neighbors voluntarily help each other raise barns as needed. The friends and neighbors provide their labor and resources without any expectation of any monetary gain in exchange, except for the knowledge and confidence that when any member of the community has a new barn to raise, the neighboring community will gather around to help, on a voluntary basis of course.
As a community, we function as private, individual, free-market entrepreneurs engaging in the purest form of decentralized finance and capitalism, because barn raising is tantamount to raising capital. Capital is the fundamental component of every economy as there can be no production of goods and services without capital. The ability to raise and own capital, also known as property, is prerequisite to free-market capitalism. Under communism, socialism, fascism, or marxism, the state owns or controls the capital and individual ownership is greatly limited or prohibited.
Furthermore, we are not a political or religious organization, but simply individuals exercising and defending our God-given rights and privileges confirmed by the Constitution of the United States of America and the constitutions of most other free nations.
Barnaje is proud to offer the benefits of a wonderful centuries-old custom to like-minded people worldwide using leading-edge Internet, Computer, Blockchain, Smart Contract, and Cryptocurrency technology.

Raindrops Keep Falling:
One of the revolutionary advantages of being a part of the barnaje global community is being able to take advantage of our uniquely generous ‘Raindrops Keep Falling’ payout program! Giving you and all other active, participating members 50% of all revenues received to the barnaje DAO, ensuring a perpetual USDT cash flow of raindrop gifts to YOU, our valued community member.
Registered members can watch the Raindrop pool swell in real-time at barnaje.dao. Rain Day is every calendar month on the 15th day, 100% of the current funds will be ‘rained down’ equally to all active wallets at 4:00 AM Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
Empower your barn-raising project journey with the freedom to upgrade, get a ticket to ride, pay-it-forward, or withdraw this gift from your Barnaje wallet dashboard. Being part of our vibrant community allows you to tap into a new era of prosperity and shape your financial destiny!

Magic of the Strategic Spillover Effect.
You can benefit from Barnaje’s strategic spillover effect, as newly invited members are optimally placed under you to maximize the community matrix.
Spillover happens anytime any member sponsors more than two members. Remember, you and every member are at the top of your own 9-floor stairway structure. The 1st Floor below you can accommodate only 2 members, therefore it is primarily designated for your first two personally sponsored members (PSMs), because. You are allowed to sponsor up to four members.
So, when any member sponsors more than two, just like musical chairs, all the members in excess of two, will be scrambling to find a place to land on the next lower floor. The 2nd Floor below you can accommodate twice as many or four members, but that could fill up fast too. If the members above you are all actively sponsoring 3 or 4 members each, that’s a 50% to 100% surplus, the combined effect of which would force new members to be placed 2, 3 or 4 or more floors below their sponsors.
Let’s stop and think for a moment. Is this excess sponsoring, sort of like controlled chaos, a good thing? Yes, it is a fantastic phenomenon that powerfully demonstrates the synergistic effect of cooperative teamwork that benefits all. It can cause huge amounts of FOMO…Fear Of Missing Out…that beckons all members to fast action.
Surely by now you must be realizing that timing and placement are EVERYTHING! So, when you join, one of your first intents will be to provide the very best service to your first two good friends you’re going to invite. You will want to get them signed in as fast as you can, otherwise, they could easily be several floors below you. Although in the long run, it doesn’t matter where they are placed, but in the short run, the sooner they are placed, the sooner they see spillover and donations flowing in.
Now, you have just realized that only the first two you sponsor can be on your 1st Floor, but only if you are quick, because someone above you may spillover members into your 1st Floor before you sign up your people. But your 3rd and 4th PSMs will definitely have to be placed in the next available spot on a lower floor. It’s this kind of synergistic community action that pushes us all to much greater success. Can you just visualize the potential stampede, if everyone sponsored four each, trying to insert four, from all, into a maximum two-wide matrix?
Now, finally the best benefit for you, since everyone is limited to sponsoring only 4 of their best friends or family members. Many of you, once you understand just how powerful barnaje can be for your financial well-being, will realize that actually you have more than four best friends, a lot more, just among your relatives and business associates…what do you do?
Well, you can invite them, but you can’t be their sponsor. You must allow one of the four members that you have already sponsored be their sponsor…until all four of your PSMs have also sponsored four…then you can personally sponsor a 5th new member.
Then after each of your PSMs have personally sponsored 5 each, then you can sponsor a 6th and so on…unlimited. Whether you are a sponsoring dynamo or sponsored by one, the synergy here is forcing everyone to perform better and all will no doubt experience much greater success.
When your sponsor has reached their maximum capacity for new recruits (4) and decides to benefactor them away, hopefully some to you, you can’t help but have greater success.
One good side effect of spillover is you can potentially have your 1st, 2nd and 3rd Floors filled with members and receive up to $19,800 USDT in donations even before you have personally sponsored your first member! Your only qualification would be to step up and make the 9 steps of donations to each of the three floors above you which would total $6,050 USDT.
You could receive 12 donations from 4 members on your 2nd Floor totaling $3,000 USDT.
24 donations from 8 members on your 3rd Floor totaling $16,800 USDT
Without personally sponsoring anyone!
While spillover can be a great way to increase donations for your barn-raising project, it's important to remember that it's not a replacement for sponsoring new members yourself. You should still be actively inviting new people, even while you're receiving spillover.
Spillover may not happen overnight and there are no guarantees of specific amounts of spillover, if any. It takes time to build momentum, and to cultivate the relationships that lead to spillover. So be patient and keep sharing your success with others!

Unlimited Sustained Funding Potential:
At barnaje, we believe in supporting a sustained cash flow environment for our community. We endeavor to maintain barn raising project cash flow at a high level, even after all members across all 21 Stairway Donation Steps have contributed to your project.
Below is a chart to help you understand how many total donations you are permitted to receive at each Stairway Step before requalifying. Once you have reached the limit, if you wish, you can make another requalifying donation and reap the benefits of continued funding potential on that step all over again!
Step Donations Received Amount Donation Total Received Requalifying Donation Percent
10 12 1100 13200 2200 17%
11 12 1300 15600 2600 17%
12 12 1500 18000 3000 17%
13 16 1750 28000 3500 13%
14 16 2000 32000 4000 13%
15 16 2250 36000 4500 13%
16 18 2500 45000 5000 11%
17 18 2750 49500 5500 11%
18 18 3000 54000 6000 11%
19 20 3500 70000 7000 10%
20 20 4000 80000 8000 10%
21 20 5000 100000 10000 10%
Totals 198 541300 61300 11%
Members are allowed to requalify an unlimited number of times on all steps.

Timeless & Inclusive Opportunity:
Discover endless possibilities with the barnaje community! Progress up our Stairway Donation Plan at your own pace, completely free of time restrictions - you control your journey towards success.
Engage in our rich, inclusive community that embraces an array of barn-raising projects, infusing diversity, and welcoming vibes into every barn-raising endeavor. It's more than just a community; it's a vibrant mixture of people’s unique dreams and cooperative efforts, the true barnaje community experience! Dive into a global platform where your pace, your projects, and your participation define your path. Join us, and let's redefine success together in this timeless opportunity!

Generational Matching Donations:
50% Generational Matching Donations. In addition to the direct donations received from members on floors 1 – 7 below, you can greatly multiply the total donations you will receive every time you sponsor a new member and by helping them build their 7-floor community. You can be generously rewarded for your help; in fact, you can receive more than three times as much in Matching Donations as you can receive in Direct Donations from the members on the 7 floors below you.

1st Generation 50% Matching Donations.
Every time one of your Personally Sponsored Members (PSMs) receives $1,000 USDT of direct donations, you will receive a $500 USDT matching donation (50%). For example: a PSM no matter where they are in your community, whether the 1st Floor or 101st Floor below you receive, say a $1,400 USDT, 11th Step, from their 4th Floor, you will receive a 50% match or $700 USDT donation. AND since that donation originated from his 4th Floor, which can accommodate 16 members, your (PSM) could eventually receive 16 $1,400 USDT donations and you could receive 32 matched donations because the donations are originating from at least 5 floors below you. This same formula works for all 18 Steps of Floors 2 through 7. Remember, there are no matching donations paid for first three steps of 1st Floor donations.
2nd Generation 50% Matching Donations. Everything described above applies to you, but the 2nd generation donations are paid to your sponsor. Regardless of where you are located below your Sponsor, whether their 1st or 101st Floor, your Sponsor gets the same identical 50% match that you got, with one huge exception, they can receive 64, twice as many, 2nd Generation 50% Matching Donations, because they are at least one floor above you.
As a barnaje member you automatically qualify for Matching Donations received by new community members invited by your PSMs, extending the wealth chain down two generations.

The 50% Matching Donations (1GMD and 2GMD) play a significant role and account for more than 75% of all donations received, providing additional barn-raising power!
The 1GMDs originate from floors 2 through 8 with up to 512 potential members, and the 2GMDs originate from floors 3 through 9 with up to 1022 potential members.
We firmly believe that this Stairway Donation Plan is the most ingenious plan ever developed to foster amazing community cooperation and directly inspire and motivate all to mentor, guide, and assist your entire ‘Barn Raising’ community in becoming successful.
As they achieve more matching donations, so do you and that creates a culture within barnaje that drives greater community funding and perpetual expansion.

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