The 1st Book of AḎAM & ḤAWWAH / Adam & Eve 76 - I Read My Scriptures! ❤️ 📖

9 months ago

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Today's Reading:
1 As the children began to grow stronger and taller, Qayin grew hard-hearted, and he ruled over his younger brother.

2 Often, when his father made an offering, Qayin would remain behind and not go with them to make the offering.

3 But Heḇel had a meek heart, and was obedient to his father and mother. He frequently influenced them to make an offering because he loved it. He prayed and fasted much.

4 Then this sign came to Heḇel. As he was corning into the Cave of Treasures he saw the golden rods, the incense and the myrrh and he asked his parents, Aḏam and Ḥawwah, to tell him about them. Heḇel asked, “Where did you get these from?”

5 Then Aḏam told him all that had befallen them. And Heḇel felt deeply about what his father told him.

6 Then his father, Aḏam, told him about the works of Elohim and of the garden. After hearing these things, Heḇel remained behind after his father left and stayed the entire of that night in the Cave of Treasures.

7 And that night, while he was praying, Satan appeared to him in the form of a man. And Satan said to him, “Often you have moved your father into making offerings, and to fast and pray. Because of this, I will kill you and make you perish from this world.”

8 But Heḇel prayed to Elohim and drove away Satan, and he did not believe the words of the devil. Then when it was day, a messenger of Elohim appeared to him, who said to him, “Do not stop your fasting, prayer, or offering to your Elohim. For, look, 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 has accepted your prayer. Be not afraid of the form which appeared to you in the night, and who cursed you to death.” Then the messenger departed from him.

9 Then Heḇel came to Aḏam and Ḥawwah when it was day, and told them about the vision he had seen. When they heard it they worried about it very much, but said nothing to him about it. They only comforted him.

10 But Satan came to the hard-hearted Qayin by night and showed himself and said to him, “Since Aḏam and Ḥawwah love your brother Heḇel so much more than they love you, they wish to join him in marriage to your beautiful sister because they love him. However, they wish to join you in marriage to his ugly sister, because they hate you.

11 Now before they do that, I am telling you that you should kill your brother. That way your sister will be left for you and you can throw his sister away.”

12 And Satan departed from him. But the devil remained behind in Qayin’s heart, and frequently prompted his ambition to kill his brother.

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