9 months ago

Hamas naval commandos entered for the first time into a direct confrontation against Zionist naval forces on the occupied coast of Ashkelon
Hamas and Hizbullah strenghting their powerful attack on their enemy after Israeel enhance genocide in RAFAH aggression is entered in a nw phase, Hizbullah claims Israeel could never continou his illegal occupation no more even US and its allies support, they are allies of Evil and devil. What type of power they claim, It is impossible to defeat the force of Almighty Allah, Lions of Allah, there are thousands of examples in the past, where strength, economy and weapons failed completely. against Almighty Allah's Will, The supreme Commander and power is in hand of Almighty Allah Alone, This fact should be saved in every hard disks of mind. This is the route cause of devil fights, Try to understand the Meaning Concept and idealogy of Allah O Akbar, Allah is Greatest and all Praise goes to Almighty Allah Alone and Alone.

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