Hamas Co-Founder's Son Exposes the Evil of Hamas

4 months ago

Sheikh Hassan Yousef was a co-founder of Hamas. His oldest child, Mosab Hassan Yousef, was raised on the Hamas propaganda, fought against the Jews in Israel. Personal experiences at the hands of Hamas and the Jews of Israel led to his understanding of the lies being pushed by Hamas, seeing the Hamas leaders use the Hamas supporters to attack Israel and enrich themselves.

Once Mosab saw the truth for himself, he made a very difficult decision... to expose the crimes and lies of Hamas to the world. This resulted in being disowned by his father and being put on a Hamas hit list.

The children of Gaza, as toddlers, watch cartoons showing Jews being murdered by Muslims. That indoctrination continues as the children enter school, with little boys as young as 8 dressing as soldiers and carrying rocket launchers.

When the Romans conquered part of the Middle East, which included Israel over 2000 years ago, they named the region "Palestine". That means the Jews were the original Palestinians. Palestine referred to a region, like we refer to the MidWest or the Great Plains. It never had a specific border, never had a ruler, never had a currency.

The Jews were given the land of Israel by God. At that time, it was much larger than it is today and included what is today Jordan and part of Iraq.

The Arab Muslims first invaded and conquered Israel early in the 7th century, then colonized it. Over the centuries, some Jews migrated to other countries to escape Muslim persecution. However, with Nazism and Communism moving in, the Jews faced persecution from those groups, too.

Muslims fought with the Nazis during WW II. The Mufti worked with the Nazi propagandists, such as Himmler, to make up a book claiming the Jews had this plan to annihilate the Muslims and conquer the world. It was all a lie. The books were sent to the Middle East and that b.s. is still being taught in Muslim schools... and apparently, American schools.


After WW II ended and everyone learned about the Holocaust and gas chambers by the Nazis, the UN made several countries in the Middle East. From the 1300s until 1917, the Ottoman Empire (Muslim) ruled most of the Middle East, including Turkey. There were both Jewish and Christian settlements throughout the empire. When it collapsed in 1917, it caused quite a bit of havoc.

The UN, England and France took control of different parts to calm things down. They attempted to guide the areas into peaceful gov'ts. They continued to do so until WW II ended. The Middle East was divided up. Jordan, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon were all created as countries with rulers. Israel was recreated from its ancestral homeland, though much smaller than it had originally been.

Just 2 days after Israel was official recognized, Jordan, Egypt and Syria attacked it. The Muslim leaders all called for Muslims to leave Israel. That war lasted roughly 2 years. They attacked again in 1967... the 6-Day war. Muslims again attacked in the early 1970s.

Israel beat them every time... as they should have. The Muslims control 99% of the Middle East, but their bigotry is so big, they want every single bit of it and want all Jews murdered... just as they learned from the Nazis.

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