Such Weakness

4 months ago

A priest in a small town in Michigan wrote a short letter to parishioners apologizing to them for a homosexual man who is "married" to a man speaking to young children in the Catholic school where he is pastor. He was unaware of it before it happened. An uproar ensued though from the left. Unfortunately, the priest, who by all accounts is a strong orthodox priest, eventually apologized, no doubt after urging from his weak bishop. Protests continued form the left, and the priest eventually resigned, no doubt being forced to by the weak bishop. No one is forced to be a Catholic, what they so hate is that they know Catholic Teaching exposes them for the evil they push. The bishop should have defended the priest and Catholic Teaching, but, as with most bishops, he caved to secularist society. The Catholic Church has been in a 60 year decline because of trying to blend into society. So many bishops don't want the boat rocked, even if it means going against Catholic Teaching. And now there is a pope who flagrantly goes against Catholic Teaching on so many fronts, especially in the area of sexuality. Bishops also worry about being pushed out for advancing Catholic Teaching because they fear they will be pushed out like the outstanding and fully Catholic bishop, Bishop Joseph Strickland and a number of others.
A couple of years back, a priest in Ireland told the congregation in a homily that those who promote abortion, homosexuality and transgenderism are promoting mortal sin. Another uproar ensued, and the very weak local bishop apologized, saying what the priest said was unChristian. The priest didn't back down though, saying that a priest's job is to be a displinarian and tell the truth to the people to help them get to heaven.
The Catholic bishops, with a few exceptions, are weak. The people want to hear the truth, but the bishops are afraid to put it forth the truth. Unless they start to do so, the Catholic Church will continue to decline. Bishops are supposed to follow the lead of the apostles, most don't come close.

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