Metalwork | Modern technology of steel rolling mill - Technology solutions

9 months ago

Metalwork | Modern technology of steel rolling mill - Technology solutions.
Rolling, in technology, the principal method of forming molten metals, glass, or other substances into shapes that are small in cross-section in comparison with their length, such as bars, sheets, rods, rails, girders, and wires. Rolling is the most widely used method of shaping metals and is particularly important in the manufacture of steel for use in construction and other industries. Rolling may be done while the steel is hot (hot-rolling) or cold (cold-rolling). The process consists of passing the metal between pairs of rollers revolving at the same speed but in opposite directions and spaced so that the distance between them is slightly less than the thickness of the metal. The degree of change that can be made in the thickness of the steel depends on its temperature, with higher heat increasing the plasticity of the steel. Cold-rolling, in which unheated bars, sheets, or strips of steel are sent through the rollers, usually requires several rollings to achieve the desired shape. Cold-rolling often follows hot-rolling and is done to gain better mechanical properties, better machinability, special size, a bright surface, or a thinner gauge than hot-rolling can.

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