8 months ago

They, our government, claims that "they want to make people whole" (see full hearing) who have been attacked by these weapons - What they don't tell you; is that it's them, OUR own government, that is attacking American citizens. I don't doubt that there are rare cases of foreign intelligence agencies, that are using these weapons on certain politicians/spies - to dissuade or make them less effective. However, these few government employees, is but a drop in the bucket, compared to the million or so law-abiding American citizens who are being attacked by these weapons. Americans, who are doing noting more than exposing our government's criminality, especially regarding their mRNA Kill Shot. Why would a foreign government attack us, when they have been saying the same thing ? The simple truth is, they wouldn't. Make me whole BITCHES, what price could you put on years 'of what amounts to torture' IT WOULDN'T BE ENOUGH.

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