The Easiest Ways to End the Communist Regime in China

9 months ago

05/10/2024 Anna on Outside the Beltway: The collapse of the CCP regime will primarily stem from an increasing number of conscientious and awakened CCP members within the system. They have grown weary of the CCP's actions and realize that adhering to the CCP's oppressive system, regardless of their high status within the party, could endanger their lives. Additionally, Western countries ceasing to fund and completely decoupling from the CCP is the simplest and most effective way to end the CCP regime.
05/10/2024 喜安娜做客Outside the Beltway:中共政权的瓦解首先会来自于体制内越来越多有良知、觉醒的中共党员。他们受够了中共的所作所为,认识到跟随中共这个绞肉机体制,即使党内地位再高,也有可能搭上身家性命。其次,西方国家停止资助中共并与中共彻底脱钩是终结中共政权最简单有效的方法。

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