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9 months ago

Wallenstein's Sermon 2024-05-05:
If Christ is your Saviour, then you can be sure, that you belong to the heavenly Father; see 1st John 1:2–4. The life appeared; we have seen it and testify to it, and we proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and has appeared to us. 3 We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ. 4 We write this to make our joy complete. – Everyday life sometimes invites other things to be more important to me than Jesus and His Word; but let us hold fast to the Word. This is followed by brotherly love; now, growing in faith is a process for everyone. What counts in the world is showing off, having power. But Jesus also points to suffering.
If you believe him, the Son of God, you already have eternal life! So the conclusion is: believe him, follow him. From this point of view, it should be clear that Jesus is the living Son of God who lives in everyone who believes this. We may speak in faith: You are not only my Saviour, you are also my deliverer and provider.
So John wrote his gospel for the purpose of making you believe and grow in faith in the Son of God! But the listeners at that time also reacted in unbelief, as we must also state here. They turned their backs on him! And they had already heard his Good News; but for these people nothing was going forward! So why wait any longer?
Many people just invited to follow the gospel and act accordingly clearly say that they want to wait until retirement or until their death bed! Then, they think, they can still pick up their heavenly ticket! Well, there are main points in the Gospel of John: (a) Jesus was already in the beginning, "before all time; in Greek it reads: ‘pro panton ton aionon’ or ante omne tempus," as it says in the Nicene, (b) He was also Christ, the Messiah, the anointed of God and also (c) God’s unique Son, who wants to give everyone salvation and eternal life, but this of his own free will. John also wrote the "Apocalypsis", the Book of Revelation and three short letters. John invites us to examine our level of faith or degree of maturity. "I have written this to you so that your joy may be complete! He addresses his own as his contemporary witnesses, he calls for proclamation before all the world! "Believe, that your joy may be full or complete!" And this is also the first test or the first priority review of a true community.

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