Heaven Land Devotions - As One Whom His Mother Comforteth...

9 months ago

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Mother's Day is a mixture of joy and sadness, of laughter and sorrow. For many there is great celebration, but for many others it is a hard day emotionally. Even for those who do not have children, as this day brings back painful memories both good and bad.

Those who do not have the love and comfort of a mother because of death or estrangement hold back tears all through the day. They stand outside the circle of those who celebrate. They long for that tender loving comfort and wonder what it would be like.

Even men are affected on this day as they also have good and bad memories and losses. In fact, all people on this day are affected because the love and comfort of a mother is a very powerful and unique thing.

As I was thinking upon this day, a scripture came to my mind. One that has carried me through some heavy days as a sorrowing mother: " As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you; and ye shall be comforted in Jerusalem." Isaiah 66:13.

This is the one and only verse in the whole Bible where God says He will bring "comfort as a mother comforts." This is a very powerful statement and an insight to the unsearchable, potent love God has for all people.

Yes, this is a Millennial verse for the Jews in the future. But keep in mind that if Mother's Day is a yearly reminder of grief, there is "One whom will comforteth you" with a loving power unequaled to any human mother's love...."and ye shall be comforted in Heavenly Jerusalem."

"Deep unto deep, O Lord, crieth in me, Gathering strength I come, Lord, unto Thee. Jesus of Calvary, Smitten for me, Ask what Thou wilt, but give Love to me." ~ Amy Carmichael

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