Ex-CIA Agent on Capturing Che Guevara, Who Truly Killed JFK, and Election Predictions

9 months ago

former CIA officer Felix Rodriguez shares his experiences in various operations, including the capture and execution of Che Guevara in Bolivia. He reveals that Guevara was sent to Bolivia by Cuba to be killed due to his pro-Chinese stance conflicting with Cuba's alliance with the Soviet Union. Rodriguez played a crucial role in providing intelligence to Bolivian forces and was present during Guevara's capture and execution.

00:00 Introduction
00:32 The final moments of Che Guevara
01:05 Rodriguez's Background and Involvement
01:39 Rodriguez's Post-CIA Activities
02:08 Rodriguez's Faith and CIA Concerns
02:33 Fighting Against the Rise of Socialism

This video is a podcast summary of the Tucker Carlson episode titled 'Ex-CIA Agent on Capturing Che Guevara, Who Truly Killed JFK, and Election Predictions'.

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