When Celebrities Are Blackmailed To Do Bad Things....

9 months ago

There's no video to watch. Instead, please go to these 2 Twitter/ X accounts for visual "proof":


Follow them, watch & learn what's really happening with the migrants & "asylum seekers".

No I don't have proof Richard Gere is being blackmailed. But I don't use flouride toothpaste or get jabbed so I still have the ability for Critical Thinking.

And critical thinking leads me to ponder:

*Europe, India & now the US are being systematically destroyed by the flooding of phony asylum seekers & dangerous migrants.

*The media purposefully hides the truth in cahoots with the governments & celebrities etc...

*We see Richard Gere (in PSAs, on the news & in a video on @RadioGenoa) trying to hoodwink compassionate 'useful idiots' for the Deep State into believing these are gentle people-in-need who will honor your country & culture.

Europe is on the precipice of destruction because of the sinister Deep State plans. And without Trump, the US would be next.


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