Max Spiers – Former Super Soldier – “They Want us to be Like Them”

8 months ago

Max had an “untimely” death in 2016 as it appeared he knew something was amiss and he texted his mother “if anything happens to me, investigate.” Shortly, after Max died after vomiting black liquid, evidently about 2 liters.

About Max Spiers:

Max claims when he was young he was taken and trained to serve as a “Super Soldier” on other planets and dimensions.

Prior to his death it was reported he had people following him, some say they were agents or handlers to trigger him to do something as Max had said he believed that commands were placed in his head and were dormant until triggered.

One of the secret projects Max said he was a part of was “Project Mannequin”, which is a cloning program which aims aim to produce not only super soldiers but trained and unknowing assassins.

This program operates in the United Kingdom but falls under the NSA. It overlaps with similar programs run by the United States agencies such as MK-ULTRA, and mind and behavior control.

James Casbolt said he was born into this program due to his family’s connections to the Illuminati and intelligence agencies. Casbolt claims he is of French Royal Bloodlines.

There are others who back up what Max is saying about the Super Soldier Program.

Max says the Dark Consciousness that is running the false reality we are living in has no creativity, but they have hijacked the subconscious of the creators.

The creation of this reality is at a young age as we are all taught that this false reality is the true reality.

The writers of history is written by the winners.

ALL Religions were created to manipulate, to pull energy from the people, to harvest it, and use it to manifest the false reality we live in.

Religions are like a black hole that sucks the energy from the souls.

History was created for the same purpose, for manifestation purposes – to manifest the reality illusion.

Words, Sounds and Spelling are spells. Words are very, very powerful.

Thought can create matter.

The Dark Consciousness – force of darkness, is a Vampire like consciousness which is not connect to true source so these entities have to be energy harvesters – they harvest our energy.

It is a parasitic consciousness that consumes everything that is good, it is has the strategy of conquering and destroying.

Earth is an anagram for heart and they want to take control of the heart. The human heart is connected to the Earth. It is the heart energy that they desire.

Max says that Earth is the Heart or the Center of the Galaxy and is very important. The Alien Agenda is to take over the hearts of humans, dehumanize them and make us like them.

They are first going after the men and feminizing them to make them weak so they won’t fight back or even realize what is going on. If you want to dominate and conquer you have to take out the alpha male.

Alice Bailey – started the Lucis Trust – who symbol is a triangle with a circle around it. An upward triangle is male and a downward triangle is female. A triangle with a circle around it means “the male contained.”

You see this symbol for alcoholics anonymous and in gender neutral bathrooms.

It is an agenda to feminize males.

Max says that movies are designed to be energy harvesters.

He says we are not taught about energy or electromagnetic energy.

The dark ones do a ritual which they all feed off of previous ritual energies. They have an obsession and compulsion to seek and destroy and conquer. The weak will be taken out and destroyed. If they have a disabled child they will kill it. They believe only the strong should live. They have NO heart for the disabled. They are NOT human. They have NO Compassion.

Humans have compassion and love and believe in peace. They believe in destruction, survival of the very fittest and conquering.

They want us to be like them and they want to do this by taking our heart. This takes a long calculative plan to conquer the human heart. They are working toward the plan of dehumanization, transhumanism.

If they can get technology into the human being, the faster they can conquer us.

Video Games are being used to erode the natural empathy and compassion that human beings have.

They want to desensitize our natural humanness.

They want to isolate us as much as possible so we don’t connect with one another. The truth will be found out the more we communicate with one another. This is how consciousness is elevated, how our vibration is increased and they DON’T want that.

Their motto is “Order out of Chaos”, in the end they want to create as much chaos as possible, to prepare for the ultimate illusion and to accept their rules of a New World Order.

Max says that they have Age Regressive Technology and a lot of the Third Reich are still around.

They want to disassociate us with their pharmacology.

Project Oak Tree – finding children from certain bloodlines for trauma based mind control. *First time I have heard this one.

Addiction is tied to conquering humans. They want us addicted to drugs, alcohol, sex, abuse, as addiction allows for simpler mind control.

Max says that reality is a consciousness that is shattered in a million pieces but it is really all the same piece.

Max says these vampire consciousnesses are like an octopus attaching to the Earth, which is the heart and sucking the life force energy out of us.

This dark energy is a reflection of the way we feel about ourselves as a collective – so Max says.

Max says that after watching TV for 15 minutes before bed the mind goes into a Beta State which programs you to do something in the Astral realm. Hmm??

Max says that Government meetings take place in the 4th dimension on the Astral Planes and they don’t’ even have to be physically travel to these meetings, but they can go to a hotel – Hilton hotel – which the H stands for Stargate – anyway, Max says that the Hilton hotels are used for the Elite meeting each other in the Astral Plane.

Max says that there are rituals that go on beneath Hilton hotels.

Max says that they want to Normalize Pedophilia in the New World Order. They want to sexualize children.

They are attacking our children to attack the true innocence on the human being, which attacks the heart.

The human race is being abused on a collective grand scale.

The people we think are good people we watch on tv and figure out they are bad 10 to 20 years down the road is a direct hit the human heart. It is disheartening to learn this truth.

Max believes humanity has already won and everything will have to play out as the veil continues to be removed.


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Project Mannequin And The Mysterious Death Of Max Spiers --


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END. 5/19/2024 – 3:00 PM

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