Texas Man Shakes Up 2024 Election With Official Name Change

4 months ago

A man in Texas has legally changed his name to “Literally Anybody Else” in order to run for President. He said that he made the change to highlight the fact that most Americans want anyone other than Biden or Trump to be president for the next four years. Mike Papantonio & Farron Cousins discuss more.

Link - https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4554645-texas-man-running-for-president-under-name-literally-anybody-else/

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

A man in Texas has legally changed his name to Literally Anybody Else, that's in quotes, in order to run for president. He said that he made the change to highlight the fact that most Americans want anybody besides Biden or anybody besides Trump to be president for the next year. And he says, you know what? I look at the numbers, there's a lot of people that will vote for me. Go ahead.
I mean, if you really had him on all 50 state ballots and people just saw, oh, Literally Anybody, hell yeah, I'm gonna vote. This guy could become president if he were on all the ballots. And I do think that this is a humorous way, and to be honest, he's serious about it. He's filed with the FEC. But it's a humorous way to bring to light this big issue that we do have, which is.
300 million Americans.
Yeah. It doesn't matter who's ahead in the polls at any given point, all, not all, but most Americans still say, yeah, I'll vote for this guy over this guy, but I really don't want either of 'em. I want new people with new ideas because when you're running the same two people you did four years ago, those aren't new ideas. It's not a way to move the country forward. It's a way to either put us back to four years ago or continue what we've got. And everybody says we want new.
Yeah. He's coutning on the fact that what, 60% of the American public says, they're not at all enthusiastic about the choices they have. Not at all. He's saying, well, okay, have Biden, Trump, and Literally Anybody Else on the third rung, and I'm probably gonna get a lot of votes.
I imagine he would. Even writing in, which is one of the things he's actually encouraging people to do if he's not able to get full ballot access, is just write it in. Because now that that's my name, if you write it in, that could count as a vote towards him. So it's clever. It is very clever.
He's a disabled veteran. He is a veteran.
And a teacher.
And a teacher. The guy's not a nutcase. He actually understands there is that movement outside that says, wait a second, you got 300 million Americans and these two guys are our choice. Really? Farron Cousins, thanks for joining me. Okay.
Thank you.
That's all for this week. But all these segments are gonna be posted right here on this channel in the coming weeks, make sure you subscribe. I'm Mike Papantonio, and this has been America's Lawyer, where we tell you stories every week that corporate media can't tell you. They literally can't tell you because their advertisers won't let 'em, and they'll lose advertising dollars if they do. Or their political connections are so Democrat or so Republican that they can't even think about coloring outside the lines because they'll lose that influence. You know what? We color outside the lines every week here, and we hope you'll join us for that. See you next time.

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