Rumble and Censorship

9 months ago

Senate Hearing Video Chris Pavlovski.

Russia recenty banned Russian users from viewing Rumble.

Here Chris mentions other countries, that have requested politically based censorship i.e. China, France, Brazil, Australia and New Zealand.

China ... well communists are not exactly renowned for being bastions of individual freedom.
France ... in a propaganda war with Russia.
Brazil ... politics
Australia ... ??
New Zealand ... someone published some efficacy results for the Pfizer Covid vaccine.

I think everyone knows by now that mRNA vaccines used only reduced transmission rates. And as former Professor Kulldorff said, no scientist ever thought these vaccines could prevent the transmission of covid, because one would have to protect the mucosal membrane. Not only so, but given the requirement for continual booster vaccines, the effectiveness of the vaccine reducing the transmission rate was evidently of short duration.

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