V.67: I am pleased with those who are humble and repentant. Podcast Isaiah 66:2 || DosimpleTV

9 months ago

Glory to God. He made the universe yet He is more interested in a man who is humble of heart and keepeth His Word. We saw in the King James version that the word poor was used in the verse. We noted that it is not a promotion for poverty because one who is poor can rarely be truly humble because there position is already humbling. I mentioned Jesus how Jesus humbled Himself by giving up His privileged position - putting off divinity to put on humanity. Humility is obeying God no matter your position or status. It is when a rich or wealthy man decides to obey the call of God and go out to preach on the street. Not minding what people will say, your cars or mansions etc. It is pride if you choose not to do the work of God because of what people will say. So some people will not even want to share their testimonies on video or audio and some won't do at all. That is pride and God is calling us to be humble and take His words seriously. These two is more pleasing to God than the other things He made. Watch, comment and share to reach others. #dennis_onuigbo || DosimpleTV

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