Apatros Review Ep-0065: Borderline Cult [2007]

9 months ago

AR-0065: We return to the utterly unholy hackwork of notorious German New Wave hackmeister Ulli Lommel with his semi-fictional thesis on the nasty crimewave and spree of killings of random women in the US-Mexican border town of Ciudad Juarez back in the 2000s, Lommel's take being that it was possibly the work of a trio of sadistic serial killers.

An awful movie shot on cheap Digital camcorders that nevertheless has some peculiar interest to fans of SOV [shot-on-video] style horror, plus this is perfect for a prank if you were to record this movie on a VHS tape, remove the credits and trick your friends into believing this being a real-life snuff movie...

My Grade: D [Bad]

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