Dem Rep. Jerry Nadler Reads "The People" Right Out Of The Second Amendment

9 months ago

There are times when you can quote parts of something, omit a bit in the middle, and not really change the meaning. Those middle parts are often superfluous to the meaning and so they can be omitted without a problem. But if someone does that, they need to be prepared to be challenged. After all, in many other cases, removing something from the middle can drastically change the meaning of the quote. Why am I talking about quotes and omitting a few words? Because words matter, and in something like the Second Amendment, there are two words that are vital to correctly understanding what it means. Those words are "the people." Yet Rep. Jerry Nadler doesn't seem to think they're all that important. Rep. Jerry Nadler reads “the People” right out of the Second Amendment. 😱 ❌“A well regulated Militia being necessary for the security of a free State, the right to bear Arms shall not be infringed.” ❌

Note that Nadler specifically says the word "quote" before beginning to recite most of the Second Amendment. Yet by omitted "the people," he changed everything. See, Nadler is, in fact, correct that the Founding Fathers had little trust in standing armies. They did see them as tools of tyranny--standing armies were often used domestically in those days--and they wanted the United States to have a militia instead. But the gist of what Nadler is suggesting is that they wanted the states to have militias. The phrase "the people" is a key giveaway that while they saw militias as being essential to American security, they saw it as the people's right to keep and bear arms so they could serve as militia. It's why the right is an individual one. Nadler's omission wasn't likely to be a simple mistake. In fact, the folks over at American Greatness are positive it's not.

The omission of the crucial words “of the people” in the Congressman’s reading of the Second Amendment is more than a politician’s linguistic slip. By deliberately leaving out the correct verbiage, Nadler radically alters the original meaning of the amendment which limits the power of government to infringe upon an individual right of the people to keep and bear arms.

• More at: Bearing Arms - Nadler Omits Key Part Of Second Amendment in 'Quote'
American Greatness: Rep. Nadler Omits “the people” From the Second Amendment

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