Mel K & Karen Kingston | Ties That Bind: Eyes on the China-US Covid Origin Story | 5-10-24

10 months ago

People are finely, freely talking out in the open, about the communist take-over of the free world. Where we, according to them, have no more human rights - not even the right to self-defense. According to them, we no longer have the human right of saving our own lives FROM THEIR murderous plan. Well, they don't have my permission to murder me or anyone I care about, I plan to resist to the last breath and I hope you wake up from 'whatever' they are secretly using to control you. Is it in the water ? Is it a frequency ? Is it the technology they forced you to inject ? Is it in the chemtrails they have sprayed on us for decades ? I'm not certain how people are being controlled, what I am sure of; it's time to WAKE UP

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