Sam Seder vs. Martin Luther King Jr. & Joe Biden (homosexuality)

9 months ago

The Creepy old man Sam Seder #samseder #majorityreport will have a difficult time dealing w/ the bigotry of one, Martin Luther King Jr. on homosexuality & Joe Biden's flip-flops & lies on homosexual marriage.

The creep uses "slavery" & "systemic racism" as his trump cards all the time (because he hates this country & if anyone had white privilege growing up, it was the creepy old man Sam Seder), we'll use Joe Biden's flip-flops & MLK's aversion to men having sex w/ men as our trump cards

Sam Seder had an odd fantasy involving Roman Polanski & family member -- was so ashamed he deleted the tweet, but the interwebs saves everything

BONUS: Sam Seder whines about guns, his voters are the problem

Double BONUS: Sam Seder's "Republican Voter Suppression" (aka election denial) talking points get nuked! My previous video on this subject, contra Hobbit & Story County, Iowa Supervisor Latifah Faisal #latifahfaisal #faisal4story #faisal4storycounty See that vid, it has a lot of useful information in it ;)

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