How to prepare for when the SHTF! Don't wait for the Dollar to DIE.

9 months ago

We can all report on the news and identify what is wrong in the world but what can we do to prepare for when the SHTF? I wanted to tell you what I have been doing to prepare for Armageddon and things you might want to think about.

- U.S. Credit Card debt is at all time highs
- Commercial and Residential Real Estate are crashing
- Banks are failing at an increasingly rapid pace
- Inflation is at 15 to 30 percent no matter what #Democrats say.
- The 100s of billions spent on the war in #Ukraine to save the illegal Fauci Bio-labs and Blackrock is gone as #Russia goes on the offensive
- Out carrier in the Middle East #Israel is on the ropes
- The dollar is devaluing and BRICS meets in the coming weeks to bury it as the world's reserve currency.

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