Daily May 9 & 10 2024 Africa whats happening at The crown of the Dog!? Level 10 land is breaking apart? #10/ Was Noahs ark in connection with Egypt? Domino effect!

9 months ago

dehydrated? make sure you are drinking plenty of water
ice age
behind africa crown of dog
lurasia.....formed from pangaea (northern continental mass)
something is rising
hurricane showing up...
breaking and pulling apart
something has been at the bottom of the sea thats rising
weight was holding it down
Noahs ark?
high radiation double time
something was harden rock over time
A boat blowing in....
"triangular deposit"
was Noahs art in connection with Egypt?
Domino effect....
ozone layer something has broken through the gas layers
Stratosphere gas layer Pop! boiling...
troposphere... lowest point of sea floor (bottom)
"patience is virtue, trust self and feelings use logic dont react" small group?
obsidian rock and basalt rock
rising out of the earths surface to stay
fault block mountain....division/dividing
hurricane steady rising still at the bottom, may change as i get further in the reading for update!
Continental changes they are moving one after the other!
Health: skin issues bumps, dont stress and water
ground water.....
start storing water....before its completely contaminated

"Remember these reads are for entertainment purposes only! Energy can extend out two weeks to two months! If it happens it happens..."

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