Jon Malin Gets Stopped by C2E2 Security

10 months ago

#comicsgatestrong #comicsgate #JonMalin #WolfPack #MalinMilitia #C2E2 #KristinaRogers #ChrisDLando #ethanvansciver #shanedavis #jackshow #thejackshow #AnnaTSWG #tswg #indigenousfansofcomics #dontsoyonme #soyfreecomics

First, Jon Malin, Shane Davis and Ethan Van Sciver's table was taken away from them at C2E2. Then their passes were revoked and Anna TSWG's Press Pass was revoked. Then Jon was threatened with arrest if he showed up on the premises of C2E2. Jon Malin showed up anyway to prove ComicsGate is here to stay and here to promote creative freedom and are the only group NOT threatening violence and cancel culture.

Link to the original show:

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