Justin Bieber Spills The Beans On The Hollywood Vampires

9 months ago

From 09/10/23 Forwards

Urgent 🚨 Update - Cars stopped at gunpoint from getting out of Lahaina Kill Zone !!! https://youtube.com/shorts/wb6vhIEoHJQ?si=OsHIVwm5mZRFRLqK

1.) https://youtube.com/shorts/teV5bV-o2e8?si=_LCE89GeLoLVy2G6

2.) Weirdness on Sept. 23rd ?


3.) Resignation After Choosing Not To Sound The Alarms 🚨 On Maui !!! Herman Andaya, the Administrator of the Maui Emergency Management Agency, has immediately resigned, according to an announcement from Mayor Richard Bissen's office.
Andaya's resignation is based on health reasons, and Mayor Bissen has approved the resignation, as stated in the official county announcement. https://thepostmillennial.com/breaking-maui-emergency-management-agency-administrator-herman-andaya-resigns-after-choosing-to-not-sound-sirens-as-wildfires-raged?utm_campaign=64530

Join: Gen. Michael Flynn 🇺🇸

4.) https://youtube.com/shorts/bSims63QRAI?si=zmxvIqTKwIFSZY64

5.) Laser Mapping by China 🇨🇳 prior to SNEAK ATTACK


6.) Reply from my comments section - HicksHupp has just posted a comment on your video "Maui Corruption Madness Timeline 🔥 🔥 🔥". Here is the full comment:
"Mauian here, okay, the schools are requiring all the Lahaina parents to get tb cleared and to show records to enroll kids. Parents are working on these things but we lack doctors and so they are having a hard time getting cleared to register for school. That is one reason, I don't know if there are others. NO laser fire, it was the electric lines, however, still no excuse we have been yelling from the roof tops about high winds and those damn lines going down. We want them in the ground, and they don't listen. We have total corruption here, this is not news to locals, just to you mainlanders. The water needs electricity to pump so no power means no water. The reason they wouldn't let people bring in supplies is a mystery to this day. They are evil people which is the bottom line. Did you know that everyone was at a FEMA conference in Oahu during this disaster and they were actually having dinner and drinks when Lahaina burned to the ground, according to their schedule. This whole thing has exposed our phony government finally."

Yours Truly,

Rumble Inc. | 218 Adelaide St. West, Suite 400 | Toronto, ON | M5H 1W7

7.) No Reporters Allowed Near Police 👮‍♀️ Station Or Public Relations Clown 🤡 Town


8.) Blue Car Not Burned https://youtube.com/shorts/H1sjskpnQPc?si=8rLPtbp2_RTBhHrE

9.) Lahaina Was Mass Murder


10.) Lahaina Attack Clipboard
🆘 Maui Fires: Billionaire’s Land Grab & Genocide: If they can kill JFK, if they can commit 911, if they can put on the Covid Psyop, then they can burn Maui.🔥 #Agenda2030

✅ Analyze the Facts:

✔️ Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii was the Capitol of the Hawaiian Kingdom & The Most Precious, Valuable Land on Earth.

✔️ Before the Maui Fires, the Water was shut off. Water is NEVER shut off.

✔️ Electric Powerlines went down & started multiple Fires, but Electricity not shut off, which supported those multiple Fires to burn & grow.

✔️ Emergency Sirens didnt go off on purpose & officials still standing by this decision.

✔️ Government is putting 12 foot fencing around the Genocide Area, wont let residents in or out. Wont let Family in or out. Wont let Media in or out to tell this story.

✔️ Residents dont currently have Power or Service to report the tragedy and current Government Cover-up

✔️ Current Maui Police Chief John Pelletier is the same Police Chief who covered-up the 2017 Las Vegas Massacre. George Soros also financially connected to Vegas Massacre.

✔️ School was cancelled, or Children were sent home from School early. Where are the Children❓

Burned alive or sex-trafficked from the School Buses after leaving school early❓

✔️ The Fire Dept was initially called off of the Lahaina Fires—more foul play?

✔️ Local Police Ordered to Block-in Traffic during the Fire. People walking out of town saw this happening, Traffic stuck in town while people were scorched in their cars.

✔️ Government & FEMA holding back donations, wont let our donations in.

✔️ Governor Josh Green ‘looking for ways to Acquire the Land’—the most valuable, precious land on Earth.

✔️ Maui Fire & Climate Change Book published on Aug 10th at Amazon, when the Fires just happened on Aug 8th. Now the Book taken off Amazon link Book web-archive link re-found here: https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/56170

✔️ Heavy Geoengineering Chemtrail Haze reported just before Fires: Dry the Land & Produce the Droughts—Weather Modification Act of 1976 empowers the Minister to authorize the carrying out of weather modification. https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?path=/prelim@title15/chapter9A&edition=prelim

✔️ Governor Green met with the Corrupt, Child Trafficking United Nations last month #Agenda2030 🇺🇳 https://governor.hawaii.gov/newsroom/office-of-the-governor-news-release-recap-of-governor-green-at-the-u-n-presenting-hawai%CA%BBi-sustainability-update/

✔️ Maui Digital City A.I. Conference—upcoming Oct 2023: https://ieeesmc2023.org/

✔️ Hawaii Digital Government Summit—Upcoming Sept 2023:

✔️ ‘Clean Energy’ for Hawaii (2018) from Billionaires Club WEF: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2018/08/how-hawaii-plans-to-be-the-first-us-state-to-run-entirely-on-clean-energy/

11.) Tulsi Gabbert & Joe Rogan


13.) https://youtube.com/shorts/7qyhQyUcxwY?si=sky9xWYz1aYr6jwN

14.) The Missing Children https://youtu.be/oi3rHAcx83U?si=_6NX0XWVWeIOHuSv

15.) Search TNT 🧨 Residue in Maui Water.

16.) Helicopters 🚁 https://youtube.com/shorts/8luQqibGvzI?si=-jsiISiPyyWOGlmW

17.) Recovery - City Planner


Dr. Jan Halper DOD White Hat Spokeswoman:

1.) https://rumble.com/v3f95w2-dr.-jan-halper-w-the-big-mig-the-military-is-in-charge-trump-is-cic.html


Breaking News - Clues 🕵️‍♀️ To Missing Maui Students !!!




Hi Tom,
Good to speak with you.  Thank you for your message. I have sent your message to a few individuals who would advise who best to share it with before circulating widely.
On 09/27/2023 12:54 PM EDT Tom Trefts <ttrefts@gmail.com> wrote:
Hey John,
Extremely Important- Must Forward And Sign My Maui Petition
Petition To Have USN JAG JUDGE Admiral Darse “ Del “ Crandall At Guantanamo
Bay Cuba Investigate The Direct Energy Weapon ( DEW ) Attack & Arson On
Lahaina, Maui on August 8th, 2023.
Read the following comment from one of my viewers and listen carefully to
Every Word I say..
LAHAINA AFTERMATH From 09/10/23 Forwards Urgent 🚨 Update - Cars stopped at
gunpoint from getting out of Lahaina Kill Zone !!!
1.) https://youtube.com/shorts/teV5bV-o2e8?si=_LCE89GeLoLVy2G6
2.) Weirdness on Sept. 23rd ?
3.) Resignation After Choosing Not To Sound The Alarms 🚨 On Maui !!!
Herman Andaya, the Administrator of the Maui Emergency Management Agency,
has immediately resigned, according to an announcement from Mayor Richard
Bissen's office. Andaya's resignation is based on health reasons, and Mayor
Bissen has approved the resignation, as stated in the official county
Join: Gen. Michael Flynn 🇺🇸
4.) https://youtube.com/shorts/bSims63QRAI?si=zmxvIqTKwIFSZY64
5.) Laser Mapping by China 🇨🇳 prior to SNEAK ATTACK
6.) Reply from my comments section - HicksHupp has just posted a comment
on your video "Maui Corruption Madness Timeline 🔥 🔥 🔥". Here is the full
comment: "Mauian here, okay, the schools are requiring all the Lahaina
parents to get tb cleared and to show records to enroll kids. Parents are
working on these things but we lack doctors and so they are having a hard
time getting cleared to register for school. That is one reason, I don't
know if there are others. NO laser fire, it was the electric lines,
however, still no excuse we have been yelling from the roof tops about high
winds and those damn lines going down. We want them in the ground, and they
don't listen. We have total corruption here, this is not news to locals,
just to you mainlanders. The water needs electricity to pump so no power
means no water. The reason they wouldn't let people bring in supplies is a
mystery to this day. They are evil people which is the bottom line. Did you
know that everyone was at a FEMA conference in Oahu during this disaster
and they were actually having dinner and drinks when Lahaina burned to the
ground, according to their schedule. This whole thing has exposed our phony
government finally." ----- Yours Truly, Rumble.com Rumble Inc. | 218
Adelaide St. West, Suite 400 | Toronto, ON | M5H 1W7
7.) No Reporters Allowed Near Police 👮‍♀️ Station Or Public Relations
Clown 🤡 Town https://youtube.com/shorts/I0yJOtwxrBY?si=qL2jamljNZ8xe6q7

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