Decoding the Orion-Saturnian Empire: Systems of Consciousness Control, Decrypting the AI Hijack

8 months ago

Original stories, legends, and tales often start with epic narratives of warriors battling and defeating beasts to restore order and balance in the cosmic realms. The story of Orion the Hunter is a prime example. In our latest video, we delved into the occult symbolism behind Orion the Hunter, revealing how this powerful energy continues to resonate within the Matrix today and influences our lives.

Why is this significant? As mystical investigators and students, we must understand the forces shaping reality and how they function in unseen dimensions. By deciphering the symbolism of Orion and the archetypes involved, we unearth more profound mysteries and frequencies that shape and impact our reality. A Mystical Being doesn't shy away from the occult or the hidden but embraces the "Depths of the Duat" within their soul and the collective unconscious. In this exploration, we discover the wonders and treasures that lie deep within.

Join the School of Mysticism, Tanuj, and Tribe for an enlightening lecture exploring humanity's control mechanisms, the Orion Grid Nebula, and the manipulation of human consciousness. In this session, we'll uncover the hidden truths of Orion's influence throughout history and decode the Archons' template, revealing how understanding these concepts can lead to greater self-transcendence.

Access the FULL 1.5 LECTURE HERE, Exclusive to Mystical Initiates Inside The School of Mysticism:

Decoding the Orion-Saturnian Empire: Systems of Consciousness Control, Decrypting the AI Hijack

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