Discussing Evolution with Andy Peth: Don't Be Intimidated by the Theory of Evolution

9 months ago

Andy Peth (personality of the Rush to Reason show) joins Rachel Mains in the KLTT studio to talk about the theory of evolution. Andy discusses some of the dilemmas in the theory of evolution, such as the complexity of an eye and a feather. His hope is that believers will be empowered to talk with their loved ones, who hold to the evolution theory. Open discussions will help to impact friends and family to see the the validity of God's word and begin to see the Biblical worldview.

"For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse." ~Romans 1:20

Andy is a radio personality for KLZ 560 in Denver, Colorado. Raised in liberal, atheist surroundings, Andy “lost the debate with himself” and accepted Christ, later receiving a Pastoral Ministry degree from Colorado Christian University. Today, Andy helps Conservatives and Christians defend their beliefs in an increasingly hostile world.

Some of Andy’s writings can be found at www.thepartyofchoice.com.

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