The Sequel To The Fall Of The Cabal – Part XXVII: Beyond COVID: The Era of Mayhem and Hope?

8 months ago

This is the 27th episode of the documentary series “The Sequel To The Fall Of The Cabal”, created by acclaimed researchers Janet Ossebaard & Cynthia Koeter. In this series, the Cabal is fully exposed. This Sequel is not about Q, nor Trump. It is about the Cabal. It will give you info that will blow you off your socks. Crime, murder, money laundering, cartels, high treason, population control, etc…, all of which under your nose… Meet the Cabal

As we conclude our discussions on the COVID situation, a looming question arises: What lies ahead? The answer? Mayhem. Pure and unadulterated mayhem. Are there grounds for optimism and hope for humanity, or are we witnessing the demise of Homo Sapiens? Enter the World Economic Forum (WEF), a colossal and formidable political NGO. Discover how they've permeated every facet of society, positioning their proxies in influential positions, indoctrinating them through their training initiatives, and ensuring the realization of their nefarious agendas on a global scale. Their objectives? Time-worn: global hegemony, the establishment of a New World Order, population reduction, and the complete subjugation of the remaining populace. Can we substantiate these claims? Absolutely, and we do so within this discourse. Witness the admissions of WEF spokespeople Klaus Schwab and Yuval Harari, confirming the bleak narrative we outline before allowing them to speak. Without their own words, our assertions would seem unfathomable. Curious about the imminent future they envision for us? Watch this episode and decide for yourself….

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