Mark of the beast: Vatican’s Sunday law will be enforced soon! (31)

4 months ago

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The video was produced in the outskirts of Cebu City, the Philippines on Sabbath, April 27, 2024.

Canon 29 says: Christians must not judaize by resting on the Sabbath, but must work on that day, rather honouring the Lord's Day; and, if they can, resting then as Christians. But if any shall be found to be judaizers, let them be anathema from Christ.

Did you notice that, in canon 29, the Vatican said that Christians should not rest on the Sabbath but must WORK on that day? Yet God says in Exodus 20:8-11 to remember to keep holy His 7th day Sabbath by resting on His holy day since Sabbath means rest.

So who is correct? The Vatican’s antichrist pope who says that Christians should work on the Sabbath? Or God Who says to rest on His holy 7th day Sabbath? Was this change of Sabbath to SUNday commanded by God anywhere in the Bible?

“The authority of the church could therefore NOT be bound to the authority of the Scriptures, because the Church had changed the Sabbath into Sunday, not by command of Christ, but by its own authority.” Canon and Tradition, p. 263

"Sunday is a Catholic institution and its claim to observance can be defended only on Catholic principles .... From beginning to end of Scripture there is not a single passage that warrants the transfer of weekly public worship from the last day of the week to the first." — Catholic Press, Sydney, Australia, August, 1900.

In 1435, at the Roman Catholic Provincial Council at Bergen -" We are informed that some people in different districts of the kingdom, have adopted and observed Saturday-keeping. It is severely forbidden- in holy church canon- one and all to observe days excepting those which the holy Pope, archbishop, or the bishops command. Saturday-keeping must under no circumstances be permitted … and the rest we forbid under penalty of severe church punishment to keep Saturday holy." - Dip, Norveg, 7, 397.

In Ethiopia, 1604, the Jesuits influenced King Zadenghel to propose to submit to the Papacy " Prohibiting all his subjects, upon severe penalties, to not observe Saturday any longer."- Gedde's Church History of Eithiopia p 311 and also in Gibbon's Decline and Fall chapter 47.

"Sunday was a name given by the heathens to the first day of the week, because it was the day on which they worshipped the sun, ­ Eadie's Biblical Cyclopedia, 1872 Edition, page 561.

"Every man and woman shall repair in the morning to the divine service and sermons preached upon the Sabbath (Sunday), and in the afternoon to divine service, and catechizing, upon pain for the first fault to lose their provision and the allowance for the whole week following; for the second, to lose the said allowance and also be whipped; and for the third to suffer death."!!! Laws, and Orders, Divine, Politique, & Martial For the Colony in Virginia: first established by Sir Thomas Gates, Knight, Lieutenant - General, the 24th of May, 1610 

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"If the liberties of the American people are every destroyed, they will fall by the hand of the Roman Catholic cult's clergy."
-General Lafayette under President George Washington

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