Octogenarian Enviro-Nut 'Just Stop Oil' Members In UK Attack Foundation Of Democracy…The Magna Carta

9 months ago

Of all of the Environmentalist doom sayer groups, Britain based 'Just Stop Oil' is probably one of the most loathsome. These are (among) the guys who keep throwing soup or paint on great works of art and or gluing themselves to the art, they block roads (or try to), and throw a massive fit when anyone calls them out for their horrible tactics. The reasoning behind their 'protests' has always purported to be that they're trying to safeguard the world for future generations, as these environmentalist nutso types always claim, but as with so many things preached by leftist groups at the end of the day what they seem to hate is Western civilization and the artistic and philosophical fruits it has brought us.

This anti-Western mindset has never been made more explicit than it was today, when two elderly members of Just Stop Oil took it upon themselves to make a statement by going after what is in some ways THE foundational document of Western Democratic order, the Magna Carta. Fortunately these ancient women don't seem to understand how hammers work, so no harm was caused to the document, but symbolically it's hard to read this as anything other than the direct assault on Western values that it clearly is.

• More at: Twitchy - Octogenarian Enviro-Nut 'Just Stop Oil' Members Attack LITERAL Foundations of Democracy in the UK

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