Vitamin B-17 aka Laetrile

8 months ago

Laetrile is the name of a drug created in 1952 by Dr. Ernst T. Krebs, Jr.
It contains purified amygdalin, which is a compound found naturally in the following;

Raw nuts: Such as bitter almonds, raw almonds and
macadamia nuts.
Vegetables: Carrots, celery, bean sprouts, mung beans,
lima beans and butter beans.
Seeds: Millet, flaxseeds and buckwheat.
Pits of:
Apples, plums, apricots, cherries and pears.

Heard a second hand story from a first hand witness/friend of ay oung girl's parents who had a brain tumor. The doctors only provided one choice - removing a large portion of her brain. They opted for Laetrile. 6 months later, the tumor was gone.

As always, ANCCR highly recommends you do your own research and probably use more than one supplement and/or treatment in combined unison. Plus, be absolutely sure to consult a certified N.D. (Naturopathic Doctor). A Dietician (aka Nutritionist) at Masters Degree level or higher can also be extremely helpful, yet is not a substitute for an N.D..

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