Undeniable Influences | 1 Samuel 1

4 months ago

Who are the people who have undeniably influenced your life?

Welcome to the Daily Devo. I am Vince Miller.

We are in a brand new series on 1 Samuel. As this is a rich and expansive story, I will provide a birds-eye view of the chapter each Monday, followed by six devotionals from that chapter for the next 31 weeks. This will allow us to explore the larger story at the beginning of the week and the smaller details for the remainder of the week.

1 Samuel is divided into three major parts that discuss three important men:

Part One: The Story of Samuel (1 Samuel 1-8)
Part Two: The Story of Saul (1 Samuel 9-14)
Part Three: The Story of Saul and David (1 Samuel 15-31)
But we begin in chapter one, and here are the first few verses:

There was a certain man of Ramathaim-zophim of the hill country of Ephraim whose name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, son of Elihu, son of Tohu, son of Zuph, an Ephrathite. He had two wives. The name of the one was Hannah, and the other was Peninnah. And Peninnah had children, but Hannah had no children. — 1 Samuel 1:1-2

The story begins with Samuel's father and the events surrounding Samuel's birth. In chapter one, we read about six different people—six men and women with undeniable influence. Over the next few days, we explore the lives of these characters, each with a unique story and impact. For some, it was a positive and spiritual influence, and for others, not so much. Stay tuned as we uncover and discover their roles in this story.

As I have already hinted, this book predominantly tells the story of Samuel, a man with incredible spiritual influence.

But here's the immediate backdrop.

It's about 1050 B.C. Leadership was a burning issue in the minds of the people of Israel. For over 200 years after entering the promised land, Israel went through intense social turmoil, bordering on chaos, a little like the social turmoil we are experiencing in our country today but far worse. Joshua was the man who led them from the Desert to the Promised Land, but as we learn, people were not listening or following God because spiritual drift does not take long.

Just before 1 Samuel, we discover a sobering observation at the end of the Book of Judges:

In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.—Judges 21:25.

Israel was in the middle of a profound leadership crisis. But right on time, Samuel was born and emerged as one of the greatest Judges and Prophets in the history of Israel who would transition the nation from a Theocracy to a Monarchy led by three subsequent kings: Saul, David, and Solomon.

Samuel would indeed be one of the great influencers in all of the Old Testament, but in chapter one, there are people who influenced him even before he was born. These people played a role in this story and had an influence, good or bad, on the events of his early life. We will look in detail at these people.

But again let me ask that question, that I asked at the start:

Who are the people who have undeniably influenced your life?

There are people influencing you. Some positive and others negative. Their character, their attitudes, their lifestyles, their proximity, their choices, and their faith have an impact on you. So, who are you spending time with?

At the same time, we are all leaders in some capacity, and we influence others. So the other side of this question is, how are you influencing the people around you? Does your character, attitude, lifestyle, proximity, choices, and faith positively impact those around you?

As we read chapter one over the next week, I encourage you to take a personal assessment of those influencing you and the influence you have, and let's see what we learn and discover together from 1 Samuel 1.



Reflect on the positive influences in your life. How can you express gratitude to those who have shaped you for the better?
Consider the negative influences you've encountered. What steps can you take to minimize their impact and surround yourself with more positive influences?
DO THIS: Reflect on influence this week.

PRAY THIS: Lord, thank you for the people you've placed in my life, both those who inspire me and those who challenge me. Help me to discern their influence wisely and to be a positive force in the lives of others. Amen.

PLAY THIS: Jehovah.

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