Children are born evil so say many churches?

9 months ago

If all children are born evil, then Jesus was born evil. But if children are not born evil, then Jesus was not born evil.

I realized my belief is consistent with reality...and even with certain clear plain writings in the Bible. Romans 9:11.

How can babies be evil or good when they do not know good or evil? Babies are born malleable or even innocent as they say. This doctrine is pervasive even prolific and has leap bounds and entered into many society and capture many minds with its deception.

Here is where the misconception or the gap aka grand canyon of understanding comes in, because it is said and observed that children need to be reared to be good, the implication then says they were initially bad/evil at inception. Wrong!
Here is the truth: the parents are either good or evil that is why their offspring exhibit their tendencies unknowingly.

Who ever hear or read this;
Matthew 12:33, either make the tree good and its fruit good or make the tree corrupt and its fruit corrupt...for the tree is known by its fruit.


Luke 7:35, wisdom is justified of all her children

If babies are born evil, it's the tree faults which bears the fruit. That it is why it is imperative to change the tree before fruit bears.
The fruit tells the tree what type of tree it is unbeknownst to the fruit.

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