Man Only Wearing Underwear Locked Out Of The House | If You Don't Laugh At This, You're A Robot

6 years ago

If you don't laugh at this clip of a man begging his wife to let him in the house while only wearing his underwear, you might be a robot!

A man continuously knocks on the front door after getting locked out of the house while wearing NOTHING but his underwear. The underwear man BEGS his wife to let him in the house but she refuses to let him in, not before she sees him begging to be let in first. The woman walks around the house to find him still knocking on the door and still only wearing his small blue undies. She sarcastically says "nice underwear and has a laugh at the guy". He is actually a really good sport and also has a laugh but then he quickly runs around to the back door and lets himself in.

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