Mimi Zajc&James Roguski o sprejemanju dokumentov WHO 5. 5. 2024

8 months ago

Mimi Zajc in James Rugoski sta se pogovarjala o najnovejšem dogajanju pri sprejemanju sprememb IHR pravilnika in pogodbe WHO. Pokazalo se je, da vladam ne gre za zdravje, ohranjanje življenj in skrb za ljudi; gre za dobičke, ki izhajajo iz proizvodnje in prodaje cepiv, testov in verjetno še kaj drugega.
Največjo pozornost je potrebno nameniti izdajalcem v lastnih državah.

Mimi Zajc and James Rugoski discussed the latest developments in the adoption of changes to the IHR regulations and the WHO treaty. It has become clear that governments are not about health, saving lives and looking after people; they are about profits from the production and sale of vaccines, tests and probably more.
The traitors (the authorities) in their own countries need to be given the most attention.

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