Blane Higgs - Covid Press Confrence

10 months ago

December 21, 2021: Premier Blaine Higgs, Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Jennifer Russell, and Health Minister Dorothy Shephard held a press conference at 2:30 p.m. The announcement included the following key points:

- Tighter Level 2 Restrictions: The entire province was moving to stricter Level 2 restrictions due to surging COVID-19 cases over the Christmas holidays.

- Household Contacts: Household contacts were limited to a maximum of 10 individuals.

- Dining-in Rules: Restaurants were allowed to offer dining-in services, but they had to operate at 50% capacity and request proof of vaccination.

- Public Gatherings: Venues could not host events with more than 150 people or 50% capacity, whichever was less.

- Travel Measures: Travelers, including New Brunswickers returning to the province, had to register or have a multi-use travel pass. Unvaccinated individuals entering the province had to isolate and be tested on day 10.

- Modeling Projections: New modeling projected up to 250 new cases per day by early January and as many as 400 new cases per day by the end of next month.

December 31, 2021: Premier Blaine Higgs announced that he had tested positive for COVID-19 after completing a rapid test. He participated virtually in a news conference to update the public on COVID-19 testing, isolation, and contact tracing in light of the dominant Omicron variant.

September 24, 2021: Premier Blaine Higgs reinstated the state of emergency in New Brunswick. Hospitalizations, rather than case numbers, were the trigger for this decision.

March 4, 2021: Premier Blaine Higgs raised the possibility of a faster rollout of COVID-19 vaccinations and a quicker reopening of provincial borders. With new federal recommendations allowing delayed second doses, New Brunswick aimed to get everyone their first shot by the end of June.

Record Cases and Personal Revelation: During a press conference discussing record cases, Premier Blaine Higgs revealed that he had COVID-19. This occurred as provinces across Canada adjusted their health restrictions in response to the Omicron variant.

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