The Truth About Fiber, Debunking the Myths and Benefits

7 months ago

The Truth About Fibre, Debunking the Myths and Benefits

Fibre is possibly one of the most controversial topics in the nutritional space

So many will swear by the benefits of it

You can't be without it

An “essential nutrient” for health

But is it?

How essential can it be when so many are thriving with zero fibre in their diet

How much fibre would humans have had access to throughout history?

What exactly is fibre?

The majority of the people preaching on the amazing health benefits of fibre couldn't actually tell you what those benefits are or why we need them

With everything in nutrition we need to stop and question everything

Where does the idea of fibre being “good” or “necessary” come from?

How does it translate in “real life” case studies?

Once you are willing to open your eyes, fibre is not all it's cracked up to be

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