$7500.00 Middle class tax hike coming after Biden rolls back Trump tax cuts.

9 months ago

Bidenomics Means The Middle Class Will Soon Be Paying More In Taxes

- A single filer, no kids, making $75,000 a year. They're going to see an increase of $1,707.75

- A single filer with two kids making $52,000 a year. Under Biden's tax plan, this taxpayer would see a $1,474.50 tax increase

A married filer. So you've got a couple, three kids making $200,000 a year, this couple is gonna see an increase of $7,449.56

“The middle class bearing the financial brunt of Bidenomics and Jackie, you have all the numbers for us. And the numbers are not as hopeful as I thought they would be. The new data showing actually that the president's plan to let Trump era tax cuts expire would raise taxes on most Americans.”

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