My Final Read, React, and Response to Ramadi.

9 months ago

My apologies for not posting my original Read, React, and Response video here, no one commented on Rumble.
Sorry if this disappoints anybody but selfishly, I want to move on. I’ve seen the response, I’ve talked with Eric, and I hope this provides a little more context for those that are interested. As I’ve always said, multiple things can be true at the same time…doesn’t mean anyone is wrong or especially right, we just had different experiences. To the service men and women who gave there all so the Iraq could be a better place, and to preserve the American way of life…till Val Halla my friends. To those of you who were there and did your absolute best and served with honor, you have my respect and admiration. Someone commented that I was a Bad Ass Marine…no I was not, but I certainly served with a bunch of them.

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