Putin Will Visit China on May 15th

4 months ago

05/08/2024 Ava on Winn Tucson China Watch: According to NFSC’s intelligence, Russian President Putin will visit China on May 15th. One of the purposes of his trip is to ask CCP and Xi Jinping to support the Eurasia Security Framework that Russia is pushing. And CCP has already started in Beijing inviting all those embassy staff from all the other nations trying to persuade them to support Russia.
05/08/2024 Ava做客Winn Tucson China Watch:根据新中国联邦的情报,俄罗斯总统普京将于5月15日访华。他此行的目的之一是要求中共和习近平支持俄罗斯正在推动的欧亚大陆安全架构。中共已开始在北京大面积约见各国驻华大使,试图说服他们支持俄罗斯。

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