Poke Girls Wrestling: Action Prototype - May vs Misty

9 months ago

So as I said, I inquired about starting another commission, because I found something alluring in the simplicity of the models made by Nether N. If it seems that this came about a bit quickly, it's because not only did the models turn out to be easy to work with, but it's gotten to the point where I can communicate with my dev relatively efficiently when determining what needs to be done. I also imagine that he has templates from the work that he's done already.

This is just a testing prototype...but does anybody want to see this project happen? This will NOT be an exclusive thing like G1PC. If we take the time to make this, I will make the builds public. However, I can only make this game happen if people show interest.

That said...IF you want to see this project happen: like, share, follow, repost, and go ALL OUT to get us there...because if enough time passes without people showing interest in this, it dies right here...

Once again, models are from: scorpionthenetherlord.blogfree.net/

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