By design… Virtually Everything You Find in a Grocery Store is at Best Unhealthy

9 months ago

By design…

Virtually Everything You Find in a Grocery Store is at Best Unhealthy, At Worst Literal Poison

Seed Oils:
“Most people in America now for cooking use Seed Oils, Canola Oil…

Canola oil was literally invented as a lubricant for machines. It is a machine lubricant and it is so toxic and horrible for the body…

Canola oil is in everything now…

Go to the grocery store and try to find something that doesn’t have a seed oil in it. It’s almost impossible.

If it’s in a package, 70%+ of everything in packages have seed oils in it. It’s poison. It’s literally poison.

The silver lining is that we’re all becoming aware of it now. Start making life changes, right now.

Time to Throw Away anything with:
Seed oils include canola, rapeseed, soybean, sunflower, cottonseed, corn, grapeseed, rice bran, and safflower.


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