"Toddler Won't Forgive Dad Stealing Her Food"

6 years ago

"Everyone knows that sharing is caring, especially on Thanksgiving Day! But, it takes some time to learn that. So, it doesn’t come as a big surprise when a kid refuses to share a meal, even with his or her beloved ones! Just like in this video! It’s so funny you really have to see it! This video shows a tot girl who is sitting in her highchair during Thanksgiving dinner and her dad is teasing her by taking some of her food. Each time he reaches for her plate she starts screaming as loud as she can! LOL! And the only way to make her stop is by putting the stolen food away! As soon as she sees it, she screams again and makes an angry face! The dad gives her back her food, but that doesn’t make her as happy as one might think. She still keeps her eye on him! LOL!"

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